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Rubber mill, one place where all rubber compound been mix and mill, produce a pre vulcanized form. Just think about 270 lbs of bubble gum been mould in special roller, operate by only 2 or 3 technician, pouring the sulphur powder titanium oxyde and color additive until well mixed, for 20 until 30 minutes milling and 12 batch process. Even David will going bye bye.
When you are entering our laboratory -after make a trip to assembling line or even rubber tech, there so much different circumstances beetwen those places, like a heaven and ..hell may be. 43 celcius degree in production line and 25 celcius degree in this lab facility, but never feel satisfy -because those air conditioner is for cooling the laboratories tools.
Just imagine, standing by those man for a while, at 145 degree in celcius environment, to see your shoe sole being pressed, with horable smell and so much noisy, try to achieve the daily target, about 55 pairs sole for 4 dollars per day salary, don't ever think about a holly $1,5 extra bonus, if you haven't 70 pairs in early evening.
Unique tools known as laste, a shoe shaper built from hard plastic polymer, helping the assembly prior to shape the boots match with your foot, it's about 10 lbs in weight - so you can use it to shape your bicep and tricep either
Have you ever imagine, sit down on that cursed chair all day along, hold the shoe shaper by your left hand and brush the glue along bonding area with your right one, in the 34 celcius degree work place with damn close arrangement for 9 hours per day.
Just imagine - about 2100 prs shoes in regular day must be finished at early evening.
Priming is a process after degreesing, open sole rubber pores prior to cementing in assembling line, using an hazardus solution with teens of warning notes and while exposed by UV light it will glow awsome like a nuclear waste solution same as in a sci-fi movie.
Begin with this pose, strugle to fight state regulation in fuel price, voices their wishes directly to white house, met with people who incharge, but wait for next 3 or 4 hours, you'll get a hopeless view, finally they realize that no body have those competency.
The term of EQUALITY has distort for a long time, pursuing of proper life has became an individual strugle, they ought to chasing their own liberty.
The term of social contract represent by state and it's whole system become absurd, and by naturally they will protect the tax payer only, as a tribute in order to fueling all expense including their monthly salary and pension.
Noble society are the most prospectus side, by scale or even incentive rather than proletarian, and the fact that total poorest is much more than the total richest.
Social collide involve noble and proletarian, this conflict of interest usually causing a social impact in catastrophy, and state which build by people voices trap in dilemma.
So..what it's all about? Just ask darwinian, hope they had the clue
This picture isn't from your favorite tv series Prison Break, or even a slide from NY Times or AP's Guantanamo stories update..Just gimme a break.
What do you see now are our f**kn reality, those CCtV photo taken from the place where I work today, at one corner of front building near enterance gate.
About 30 similar cameras spread by every corner of this factory, sneake on every single people inside the area, but please never think about microchip or other sophisticated gadget manufacture company, just realize that all those spy cam system is to control 'extremly' low pay shoes workers.
Forget the pareto - lets fight against human greedines, by my self by our self. Just remembering the -other- 5 billion peoples existed, this small planet isn't for group or institution or corporate only, this earth for all.
WTF, just digg down beneath your Nike boots, find the IP code on its tongue cut, then you must concern that your pride of its quality mood, actually come from this junk roots